Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Overload

  Don't get me wrong, I love pumpkin flavored things just like everyone else does. During Fall, especially around Halloween, the colors are deep purples, dark greens, and an array of orange hues. Foods are also fall inspired such as pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin chai, etc. Does everything have to have a pumpkin scent or flavor? I mean really, pumpkin coffee? Don't get me wrong, I tried it but....ew. Give me a good, strong mocha Joe, or a basic high quality Colombian supreme, but pumpkin? It's just my opinion, but enough already! Cookies, pies, candles, cakes, bread, hand lotion, ugh!!
 This pumpkin vomit is a precursor to Thanksgiving and Christmas-Egg Nog and Christmas cookie flavors and smells everywhere!!! God help us all!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The "Cute" Things My Kids Say

 While getting dressed this morning, my 3 1/2 year old daughter burst into my bedroom, pointed her little finger at me, and said, "Mummy, your fat, your bum bum is funny."

So cute I wanna vomit......

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Bizangas (noun): Large, torpedo shaped breasts (my sister, 2012).

Used in a sentence: "When my sister offered me a sweatshirt because I was cold, I said it wouldn't fit. She asked me, "why, because of your huge bizangas?"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chocoflax Bars

  Super yummy and healthy bars!! (healthier than most, at least)

3/4 cup of butter
1/3 cup corn syrup (dark or light)
3/4 cup of white sugar
2 cups of oatmeal
3/4 cup of flax meal
1/2 cup of whole flax seeds
1 teaspoon of salt
3/4 cup of craisins
1/3 cup of mini chocolate chips

Mix all of the ingredients together and press into a 13 x 9 inch pan lined with baking paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden. Let it cool completely and than lift out baking paper and cut into squares. Sometimes while they are still hot, I press coconut or slivered almonds onto the top of the bars before cutting them.

I wanted to repost these because they are so awesome!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Random Pictures of cuteness

  This is Tonka, my pathetically lovable akita. He loves to walk, and sniff every single weed, shrub, telephone pole he comes into contact with while I am trying to speed walk.

  Say cheese!! Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, Conn.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Undergraduate Thirty

  We have all heard of the expression the "freshman fifteen," or when a new mom says how she is "ten pounds from her pre-baby weight." What about the undergraduate thirty? No...I'm not talking age (although I am over thirty). I'm talking weight of course. I am in the process of obtaining my BSN in nursing. I have been pressured to get my BSN because apparently an associates degree is not enough. OK, fine. So now I'm back in school, juggling a full time job, child rearing, wifely duties, housework, and school. One word sums it up.....UGH.
  Now that I am in school, I spend more time sitting on my already "fluffy" ass, watching it get "fluffier." More time sitting, reading, writing and not enough time moving. Why, oh why are there only twenty-four hours in a day? What kind of cruel joke is this? Since I started school, I have gained roughly thirty pounds, give or take a couple (I would like to give a couple away). Boy, is it easy to gain weight as you get older and is much harder to loose it!
  Their is also the possibility that stress and reality just cause stress to the point of weight gain. The older you get, the more stress you have, and the more weight you gain. I wish I was the stressed out sort of person who just can't eat and loses weight. You know the people I am talking about, "I just can't eat because of the stress! I just lose my appetite!"
  Not me, give me a piece of cake, a cookie, a mocha latte and boom! I feel great. For a little while, at least.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Blogorrhea (noun): Excessive and often incoherent postings to blogs (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:"Oh no! I hope I don't have blogorrhea! My posts are at least coherent, aren't they?"

The Beauty of the Gay Head Cliffs

  In July we went to Martha's Vineyard, which was beautiful. We brought our bikes and did alot of walking which was sort of an exercise vacation, I actually lost 4 pounds! Unfortunately, I fell off my bike in the center of town the very first day we were there. It was all good though, I just got back up and on my bike and went on my way (how embarrassing!)
  The pictures were taken at the Gay Head Cliffs in Aquinnah, Massachusetts. I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Flax Meal Decreases Appetite, Who Knew?

  I recently started adding flax seed and flax meal to my smoothies, oatmeal, and cookies/brownies. It adds a great nutty flavor and is a great source of protein, fiber, and omega 3. These are the reasons I started to add flax seeds or meal to my foods. Over the past couple of weeks, I noticed that I feel full and satisfied longer when flax is added to my foods. I also noticed that I don't want to stuff my face at night when I get home from work.
  I have read that flax stabilizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels. I have also noticed that I don't crave fatty, sweet foods like I used too. I recommend trying it because from my experience I am pleasantly surprised.
  Do some research, you may be surprised.

Why Nurses Stress Eat

  Tonight I went into work and found this terrible site in the break room.

  Not only am I trying to lose weight, but I am a nurse working the evening shift. I am constantly bombarded with junk food, cake, snacks of all kinds. It makes weight loss so hard to accomplish.
  Nursing is stressful and with stress most nurses snack. Snacks make us feel better which leads to poor eating habits. I swear since I started working an off shift 6 years ago, I gained a ton of weight. Don't get me wrong, I should be able to control myself, but I am weak. It is a challenge almost every night I work and I'm sure I am not the only one to experience this sabotage.
  I did resist tonight, but who knows if I will be strong enough tomorrow night......

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Majestic Beauty of Mt. Washington

  Off the original topic of my blog for a moment, I was encouraged to post a picture from a vacation I went on to New Hampshire with my family in 2010. Keep in mind that although the picture is beautiful and serene, it is with pure luck, not skill, that I captured it. I was freaking out behind the camera and yelling to them to hurry up so we could get off the mountain because the fog was rolling in and the precarious dirt road going down the mountain was frightening as hell!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hot Pants and My "Fatty" Word of the Day

I just have to give a shout out to zaggora hot pants and my sister for turning me on to them. Thanks Mary! Housework has now become a workout with the benefit of my hotpants, which leads me to my word of the day.......

Swass: Sweat and ass combined (my sister, 2011).

Used in a sentence: "My hotpants give me such a swass, I think I might float away!"

My Afternoon at the Audubon Society of Rhode Island updated picture

  On Labor Day I wasn't sure of what to do with my daughters for the afternoon. My husband was going out on his sailboat, so I figured I would do something enjoyable and physically active (I don't go on the sailboat yet because I have a fear of the ocean, it's inhabitants, and sailboats-I know.....silly). We decided to go to the Audubon Society of Rhode Island.
  The Audubon Society of Rhode Island is a relaxing, inexpensive, and educational bird and wildlife sanctuary in Bristol, RI that is dedicated to the education and preservation of the wildlife and it's surroundings in Rhode Island.  The cost to get in was six dollars for adults and 4 dollars for children fours years old and over, under the age of four are free.The santuary has a small hands-on exhibit featuring Harbor seal history, fish and sea life native to Rhode Island and of course, a variety of birds. There was a wonderful, small area where kids of all ages could handle seashells, snails, crabs, and conch. Small children love this area because of it's hands on aproach to learning and the helpful and patient guidance from the staff (Older woman Louise was very helpful and encouraging, expecially with my stubborn and rambunctious 3 1/2 year old!)
  After about an hour inside the exhibit hall, we ventured outside to the nature trail. The trail consists of a beautiful boardwalk that makes the walk relaxing and quiet. It is also great because it keeps children from venturing off, which makes it easier to enjoy the walk and not worry about chasing after kids. We spotted some grasshoppers, dragonflies, and a rabbit, which is very exciting to young children! The surrounding area around the boardwalk is filled with tall grasses and different types of trees and wildflowers.
  At the end of the trail walk, we were rewarded with a beautiful, ocean view. The breeze was warm and the air smelled strongly of salt. There were many sailboats out and the water was rippling wildly. It was a nice reward after the walk.

  I was also rewarded with some sweat, a full bladder, thirst, and hungry children. I felt like we accomplished something fulfilling and health wise as a family unit, at least until my 3 1/2 year old had a melt down and wanted me to "catch" her a butterfly so she could take it home.
  Ah.....the wonders and joy of motherhood.
A beautiful picture that I forgot to post. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Lobat (adjective): Being low on energy (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

 Used in a sentence: "I am so tired and lobat most of the time because I am overweight, that it seems like it is even harder to get the energy to exercise to become a healthy weight. It seems to be a vicious, all consuming battle in my life."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Cibophobia (noun): Afear of food (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence: "I certainly do not have cibophobia, although I wish I had a little bit of it! If I did I wouldn't be so darn "fluffy"!

Friday, August 31, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Scrumdiddlyumptious (adjective): Very delicious (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence: "When it is that time of the month, everything I eat seems to be scrumdiddlyumptious!"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Druha-brada (noun): A double chin (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:" I hate catching my reflection in a mirror when I am laughing because I have to look at my unattractive druha-brada. I feel like even more of a fatty when I see it."

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Pitawich (noun): :a sandwich made of pita bread instead of using the usual loaf (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

-This is funny because we recently switched over to whole wheat pita pockets because they are lower in fat than the regular sandwhich bread we were using and very satisfying.

Used in a sentence: "My tuna fish pitawich was very satisfying and yummy, but then I smelled like a fishery all day. Orbit gum anyone?"

Monday, August 27, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Hugemongus (adjective): Incredible vastness (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:

"While I was school clothes shopping with my daughter this evening, I caught the reflection of my full body side profile in the glass window of a store. I was horrified at how hugemongus my ass really looks to other people. Ugh."

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Intrusiveness of Consumption

When I was in high school I was an unhealthy 100 lbs soaking wet. I wouldn't say I was anorexic, but I never really had the urge to eat. I had a terrible appetite. I never thought I would be overweight as an adult, but here I am, a hefty 200lbs.-two of me in high school!

Now, it seems that everywhere you look, there are advertisements to eat fast food, buy processed snacks, or drink carbonated beverages. Right after you see a commercial on television for something fattening and unhealthy to eat, there is a commercial right after it for a gym membership or exercise equipment. Make up your mind!

I have visions of eating twinkies while running on the treadmill. Think about it, looks kinda comical, doesn't it? I don't remember it being this way when I was younger, was it? Maybe it was and I just wasn't feeding into that particular target group. You know, the target group of thirty something year old, overweight, overtired women? Can you imagine fullfilling what the media is telling us to do? Exercising in "fashionable" exercise clothing, expensive sneakers, fancy BPA free water bottle, full make-up on, fake tan, eating a burger, wait a minute, wasn't that already done? (Kardashian, maybe?)

It seems like the constant consumption of goods and services is a part of our lives whether we like it or not. Intrusive thoughts and offerings on everything under the sun. The dilemma is if we really can resist the intrusiveness of so much offered and marketed, or if resistance is actually futile.

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Paunch (noun): The belly and it's contents; A pot belly (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:

"It seems that the obstetrician failed to tell me that I would have a forever paunch belly after I had a c-section to deliver my two daughters. Surprise."

Friday, August 24, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Cupcakery (noun): A bakery that makes and sells cupcakes (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:

"The newest fad in baked goods seems to be the cupcakery. I like them because cupcakes are the perfect size, you have multiple flavors to choose from, and you don't feel too guilty eating one."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Benefits of Being Sick

Yes, that's right. You can be sick and actually gain something from the sickness (I'm talking colds, 24 hour bugs, etc.). Just to be clear, nothing long-term serious, those types of sicknesses are nothing to joke about.

Some benefits include:

1. Being able to lie in bed for most of the day guilt free (unfortunately, I have tissues shoved up each nostril-Don't judge me!).

2. The bonus of calling out sick to work without feeling too guilty because you really are sick and can't stand up straight for more than a few minutes(head hurts too much).

3. Poor appetite-Need I say more?

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Wideload (noun): An obese person (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

-I was surprised, disappointed, and humored all at once because this word is actually in the dictionary.

Used in a sentence:

"It is rather annoying when I am in an aisle at the supermarket and people go around you in an exaggerated way, as if you are a wideload."

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Starverating (verb):Starving (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:

"I am starverating! Hopefully not overeating will get easier and easier over time."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Carbivore (noun): One who eats carbohydrates (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:

"Unfortunately I am a carbivore who loves bread, cereal, and a variety of prepared snacks. I am desperately trying to change that by eating healthy, which has brought me to a very cranky state of mind."

Monday, August 20, 2012

My "Fatty" Word of the Day

Lipidous (adjective):Having a large amount of fat.

Used in a sentence:

" I had to wear a bathing suit while on vacation, which put all of my lipidous areas on display for everyone to see. As I observed the other people on the beach, I realized I was not the only one."

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The "Cute" Thigs My Kids Say

While my family and I were on vacation, we decided to go to the beach for the day. I removed my bathing suit from the suitcase and proceeded to walk into the motel bathroom to change. My three year old stopped me and exclaimed, "Wow mommy! What a big bathing soop that is! It is so heavy!"

Sometimes my children say things that are on the cusp of being funny and downright discouraging. How do you think I felt?

Duh. Discouraged, but I wore it anyway.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Active Thoughts in a Sedentary Body

I realized recently that I have active, challenging thoughts while doing absolutely nothing about it. I think about biking, think about running, think about the gym, but don't always act upon those thoughts. What the hell is up with that? The thought process actually becomes a mental work-out which eventually exhausts me, and I didn't even get any real exercise!

My new motto is to not think about it, just do it. All of the thinking and analyzing about what I could have done for activity, or what doing that activity is going to take away (BECAUSE I AM JUST SO BUSY ALL OF THE TIME-SNARKY COMMENT)has bottomed out my ambition. Well, no more!

So, as Nike has been telling us for years, I am just going to go out there and do it. Jeez Nike, stop yelling at me!

My "fatty" Word of the Day

Stressure (noun):The condition of being under great stress or pressure (

Used in a sentence:

"Sometimes I am under so much stressure with work, school, and children I feel like eating everything in sight!"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

My "fatty" Word of the Day

Titch(noun)-A small amount (Merriam-Webster, 2012).

Used in a sentence:

"I think I will just have a titch of that obesogenic pastry."

My Recipe for Weight Loss success

1. 1 cup of positive attitude

2. 1 cup of determination

3. 1/4 cup of patience

4. 1/2 cup of energy

5. A teaspoon of happy thoughts (a small amount goes a long way)

6. A pinch of a zest for life

7. 2 oz. of a strong support system

***Mix all of the ingrediants together, being careful not to lose any. Gently form an open heart and mind and let it simmer in your soul.

P.S.Can be stored at the bottom of your heart indefinitely.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My "fatty" word of the day

Obesogenic-Promoting excessive weight gain: producing obesity-food that makes you fat(

Used in a sentence:

  "Why, oh why do I love pastry so much since it is an obesogenic?"

How would you use it in a sentence?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The "Cute" things my kids say

  Early this morning my eight year old daughter and I were getting dressed. She was getting ready for camp and I was getting ready for the gym. She commented that she doesn't know why I think I'm fat. She proceeded to say, "I think you are warm and soft, like a big pillow."


Monday, August 13, 2012

Bursting with Blueberries

  I have recently become addicted to blueberries. They are great in yogurt, cereal, salad, smoothies, fat blueberry pancakes, etc. Lately, my favorite way to eat them is in cereal. The added bonus to the delicious tangy flavor of the blueberry are the health benefits that come with their consumption.
  Blueberries are a good source of antioxidants, which help fight diseases, aging, and aid in heart disease prevention. I think that adding blueberries in some way to your daily diet can encourage and add to healthy eating.
  So grab a handful and toss them in your cereal (just don't squeeze them, it would make quite a mess). Your body will thank you later!

My ice water and blueberries
Tip: Freeze some blueberries and add them to your water bottle before working out. It keeps your water cold and you have a little snack when your workout is finished!

How Spandex is like Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak

  Recently I was shopping in Walmart in the exercise area of the clothing section. My goal was to find comfortable clothes, preferably stretchy in nature, for exercising in comfort. Upon observation of my fellow shoppers, I realized that most of the women shopping in the "exercise" clothing section were overweight (including myself). It occurred to me at that moment that the search for stretchy clothing with forgiving seams was not just for exercise, but to sort of disappear to perceived, judgmental eyes. I quietly laughed to myself and immediately thought of Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. So, here are a couple of the reasons why spandex and stretchy, exercise clothing are like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak:

Reason 1: According to Wikia, Harry Potter's invisibility cloak is, "A magical garment which renders whatever it covers unseeable" (, 2012). Spandex, Lycra, cotton blend fabrics provide flexibility, comfort, and safety while exercising. It also provides comfort to people looking to hide belly rolls, saddlebags, and "fluffy" body areas that are not overly attractive in unforgiving fabrics such as denim.

Reason 2: Over sized work-out clothing gives the wearer coverage that is both comfortable and safe, creating a forgettable image to the general public. Harry's cloak made him feel comfortable and safe, giving him the opportunity to see and hear things he otherwise would not have been able to do if he was visible.

Reason 3: Stretchy fabrics help the wearer forget their weight problem because they are comfortable so it is easy to be in denial about a weight issue. An invisibility cloak helps Harry become invisible to the problems that are plaguing him at that moment.

  Yes, this is a bit of a reach but is something that I found entertaining at the time and more importantly, realized I had been shopping this way for years. What did I do to remedy this? I bought a pair of denim capris.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Post spin afterglow

  So I went to spin class last night and have too say that I was actually somewhat successful. What I mean by successful is that I followed the directions yelled out and did not make a fool of myself. Unfortunately, I was the biggest person there. Oh well, what can you do about that, right? I am there for weight loss anyway, right?
  I wore padded bike shorts and an oversized pea green t-shirt. I felt like an egg roll in them. I thought to myself that I should probably apologize for my presence or something of the like. I realized after the class that everyone is too tired to care about what I am wearing, which brings me to my next thought. Am I the only one who feels as though I should apologize for my weight?  How silly is it to feel like you have to ask for forgiveness for being overweight. Crazy. From now on I am not going to apologize. In fact, I am going to make a point of not being embarrassed over how I look, and take more pride in my appearance because maybe then, I will be more successful in my weight loss journey.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The "fatty" Rant

  Ok. So this is my first blog and my first post. I'm assuming it is relatively easy. Much easier than my daily attempts to either exercise or lose weight.  Before I continue on my little "fatty" rant let me introduce myself.  I am an overweight, happily married 38 year old mother of 2 wonderful girls. I am also an overweight, stressed out nurse, who works 4pm to midnight and eats as a stress reliever. I'm sure that I am not the first to whine about this, but here I am doing it anyway.
  What am I doing to remedy this self inflicted ailment? Exercise and eating right. It's so hard!!! Tonight I am going to a spin class, in a room filled with mirrors. My only saving grace is that the lights are off during the class. If they were on I would probably get a work out from laughing at my  "fatness" displayed in every, single mirror. Hopefully I make it through the torturous 1 hour class.