We have all heard of the expression the "freshman fifteen," or when a new mom says how she is "ten pounds from her pre-baby weight." What about the undergraduate thirty? No...I'm not talking age (although I am over thirty). I'm talking weight of course. I am in the process of obtaining my BSN in nursing. I have been pressured to get my BSN because apparently an associates degree is not enough. OK, fine. So now I'm back in school, juggling a full time job, child rearing, wifely duties, housework, and school. One word sums it up.....UGH.
Now that I am in school, I spend more time sitting on my already "fluffy" ass, watching it get "fluffier." More time sitting, reading, writing and not enough time moving. Why, oh why are there only twenty-four hours in a day? What kind of cruel joke is this? Since I started school, I have gained roughly thirty pounds, give or take a couple (I would like to give a couple away). Boy, is it easy to gain weight as you get older and is much harder to loose it!
Their is also the possibility that stress and reality just cause stress to the point of weight gain. The older you get, the more stress you have, and the more weight you gain. I wish I was the stressed out sort of person who just can't eat and loses weight. You know the people I am talking about, "I just can't eat because of the stress! I just lose my appetite!"
Not me, give me a piece of cake, a cookie, a mocha latte and boom! I feel great. For a little while, at least.
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